Return to Retail: Growth Hacks to Lure in Buyers Heading Back to Stores

With nearly three years of pandemic living under our belt, consumers are more fully embracing the ‘old normal’ ways of living, and in-person shopping is no exception. “The direct-to-consumer golden age is officially over,” writes Business of Fashion in response to Glossier’s announcement to sell in Sephora stores early next year.

Brick and mortar spending is on the rise, with an 8% YOY growth in 2022 compared to 5% in 2021 according to McKinsey. eMarketer forecasts just 21% of all U.S. beauty and cosmetics will be purchased over the Internet by the end of this year.

Despite rising inflation, retailers such as Sephora and Ulta are thriving: Ulta’s revenue doubled in Q1 of 2022 compared to 2020, and according to Klover data, the average purchase per visit at Ulta is up 4% YOY, with consumers eager to have reentry occasions to justify impulse purchases.

So how can your brand leverage paid social beyond driving to your own e-commerce website to win in retail? We will show you!

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